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Fine cheeses of Kuban on any demanding taste!


Stavropol scientists visited new highly farms of Krasnodar region to study the experience of the farms. The staff of the faculty of technology management of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V. A. Moros and assistant professor of agricultural production and processing technology products T. Voblikova together with the director of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding M. I. Selionova visited the farm, created in the framework of the project «Valley Lefkadia».

«Valley Lefkadia» length of seven thousand hectares is located in the Crimean district of Krasnodar region, in the village of Moldavanskoye. One of the activities of the company is the production of organic bio-products.

Currently, there is successfully functioning winery with a full cycle of wine production – from growing and the grape harvest to processing and bottling. We have our own biochemical laboratory, equipped with the most modern equipment to assess the quality of raw materials and food products. An interesting detail: the activities of the laboratory, as well as all processes in Lefkadia, controlled by foreign experts. Good or bad, the question of a different order, but only now, talking about the quality of products, the benefits are obvious.

«Lefkadia» has its own cheese factory, where the range is very diverse and color: Buch, Camembert, Kapretto, Mozzarella, Skamortsa, Raclette, Ricotta and Latteriya - cheese for every taste!

Tour of Stavropol scientists on the dairy had a cheese-maker Ph. Kolesnikov. Before the embargo on food production worked out just 20 of Camembert week. «Now, two thousand pieces in a day»! - said Ph. Kolesnikov. Is not it a prime example of import substitution?

And as if all this in « Lefkadia » there: experience, streamlined production, investment, huge desire. But lacking a very important component, without which cannot do it: no prosperity in goat and sheep milk. «Goat's milk is, those who have their own processing, - complains Ph. Kolesnikov. Therefore, in « Lefkadia » two years ago, he had his own flock of sheep. Three hundred sheep "Laconia" breed were imported from France. We emphasize that the «Lacaune» is considered the best of French dairy breed of sheep, your name she received from the district Laconia of Mont-de-Tarn department».

Recycling production has different temperatures ripening chambers for hard and semi-hard cheeses: Kapretto and Latteriya. Latteriya heads weigh about 14 kilograms – semi-hard cheese ripens 50 days. Near Kapretto – from cow with the addition of goat's milk, this is kept in ripening chamber for up to three months.

Separately ripe Camembert from Lefkadia. It seems to be a little disk, only some 200-250 grams, and in fact goes to a delicacy of 2,5 liters of milk! It ripens 15 days, puts on a special package and forward – to the consumer.

With the introduction of sanctions in the Krasnodar dairies have opened new perspectives, because the elite cheeses demand exceeds supply. But the production of such quality cheeses may only milk may be used for, which, unfortunately, is becoming less and less. Russian manufacturers, in pursuit of an increase in the volume of raw milk and margins, often, not really thinking about changing its qualitative structure. But this is not about «Lefkadia», where the control is carried out according to international standards. In general, it should be noted that the profitable production of high quality cheeses from goat and sheep milk in the Krasnodar region organized by foreign experts, however, as in similar enterprises in the neighboring countries, where scientists also visited Stavropol.

As for the development of dairy sheep and goat breeding in the Stavropol region, it is a promising area of agriculture industry, and corresponds to the concept of development of agro-industrial cluster of the Stavropol region, focused on ensuring national food security. So, a good experience with the right approach to the quality of the manufactured products – the elite cheeses – worth exploring, and learn from our region. If you find an investor, able, as in the Krasnodar region, to evaluate the vastness of the region, which was originally famous for its sheep industry, the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding with a great desire take part in a new project, because modern research facilities of the university and the desire of the scientist community to allow this. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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