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Who owns the information, owns the world


II Inter-regional Forum of Information Technologies and Communication of October 27 gathered in the Stavropol State Agrarian University 150 participants to discuss IT-solutions for business and government in the new economic reality.

The organizers of the forum «Information technology in modern society: problems and prospects»: NC DPO «Diplomat», Russian expert fund «TEHEKO», Russian public organization «Business Women».

Among the interested parties - the heads of the legislative and executive branches, departments, municipal districts of the Stavropol region, representatives of innovation and IT-companies, cellular operators, internet service providers, business associations of the Stavropol region, academics, students, post-graduate students.

The partners of the forum are the ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives» and the Russian company «Headh Hunter». The main purpose of the meeting - the development of information society in the region, information on the use of information technology in the fields of socio-economic development, in the edge of life safety, promotion of the public and organizations to facilitate resolution of personnel problems in the IT-sphere.

Welcome address to the forum participants addressed the Acting Commissioner of the Governor of the Stavropol region to protect the rights of entrepreneurs Kirill Kuzmin. The recently appointed ombudsman expressed confidence that the forum can become a real intellectual center to generate new ideas and to receive international status.

Fruitful work to the participants of the event in the name of the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev wished the Vice-Rector for research and innovation Vitaly Morozov. He said that of the 37 projects presented yesterday in the Stavropol State Agrarian University where complex scientific battles took place final of the competition «UMNIK – 2016», 7 projects the direction of «Information Technology» selected as the most promising and will receive funding.

In the center of the debate, which has initiated a moderator - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Irina Lyakisheva were questions to create a unified system of security and monitoring facilities; Inform new resources as a form of intellectual property; cloud-based solutions; modern information technology in the business environment; remote maintenance of clients and others.

In the course of communication in connection with the forum participants on Skype out famous people IT-industry and the country's leading experts.

One of them - the owner of the National Safety Award «Zubr», the chairman of the industry department of the Information Security Ltd. «Business Russia», Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, member of the World Academy of Integrated Security Sciences Vladimir Kudelkin (Samara). As president of the consortium «Integra-S», he brought it to the 45th place in the ranking of the top 100 Russian high-tech, high-growth companies. V. Kudelkin shared experiences and create a unique range of IT-development: from the «Safe City» GIS-level «Intelligent Railroad Russia» to a unified system of state security, where each object of national importance exist as a «living» - synchronous time, with reference to the coordinates of the area.

The fact that currently offers the market cloud Mickrosoft format technology, said Maxim Lemeshko, head of the club Mickrosoft Certified Professional professionals (Moscow). NCSTU graduate, a former employee of the Department of perspective educational technologies Stavropol State Agrarian University explained how cloud solutions can be applied to the activities of the institution and implementation of business processes.

General Director of «Ekpress-Link» Eugene Karasyuk, chairman of «Business Russia» Board of the Stavropol regional department, spoke about the basis of VLSI, «which teaches the documents fly» and the introduction of electronic document management, which will inevitably soon have to implement all the organizations, which have accounting and maintained archives. Participating in the forum Associate Professor of Information Systems Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.E. Rachkov theme of his speech, chose «Interoperability of the citizen and the authorities at the state and municipal services portal». Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation Tatiana Torshinа highlighted issues related to intellectual property - like computer programs and databases.

In the future, the II Interregional Forum of information technologies and communications continued two discussion platforms, «Information and communication technologies for social development of the region» and «Human Resources: Training and forms of support for IT-specialists». 

Дата новости для фото:  27.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  9

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