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The wide field for cooperation between Russian scientists opened the session of the Russian Academy of Sciences


On the scientific session of the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was attended by representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University - Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, SSAU rector and professor of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Esaulko, dean of the faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

Scientific session in the framework of the General Meeting of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, on 26 October in Moscow, on the theme "Plant genetic resources, animal and micro-organism at the service of humanity."

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov in his opening speech emphasized the fact that although it is the agricultural sector, however, that it is now a priority and opens a wide field for interaction between scientists working in different fields of knowledge. In addition, it is impossible to overestimate the practical importance of these topics for the Russian Federation, where for each inhabitant there are three times more land than the world average - 1.5 ha.

Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva also addressed a welcoming speech to the audience. She thanked the Academy of Sciences for their active participation in the preparation of the draft Strategy of the Russian Federation scientific and technological development and looked forward to an equally fruitful collaboration with the academic community in the development of the law on scientific, technical and innovative activity. Particular attention Olga Vasilyeva paid to integration of science and education and called RAS to connect to work on school educational programs from which the Academy has recently been suspended.

Michael Kotyukov spoke on the session. In his report he said that, pursuant to Presidential Decree in close collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences is involved in the preparation of the program of development of agriculture until 2025 and the formation of research centers for a number of activities. The main objective of these Agrotechnopark will be the creation and implementation of competitive domestic technologies based on the latest scientific achievements.

The scientific part of the session was opened by the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Romanenko, the report of which was the introduction to a lot of talk about the problems of conservation and enhancement of the efficient use of the achievements of Russian breeders.

Reports of the participants - experts from different fields of science - were devoted to topical issues of genetic resources as a major strategic objective of modern Russia. What has already been done and what challenges facing science in addressing food security of the country - a topic worthy of attention, so it was put to the General Meeting. In addition, construction of new, including breakthrough technology in agriculture is only possible while maintaining the genetic diversity of plants, animals and microorganisms.

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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