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"Open Innovation" Skolkovo from the veiw of current resident Ivan Chuksin


Graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the V Moscow International Forum held on 26-28 October in the largest technopark in Eastern Europe, and reported on the progress of its work.

A resident of Skolkovo, a SSAU graduate student Ivan Chuksin:

- The forum is held under the auspices of the Russian Federation with the support of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Moscow government. The organizer is "Skolkovo" Foundation together with the Russian development institutions.

Leaders of the world's technology industry, world-renowned scientists, developers, entrepreneurs and marketers meet here on the Forum sessions to share a unique experience, to discuss the prospects of implementation of ideas, solutions and technologies, as well as to introduce their own products.

As a separate trend in the development of technological entrepreneurship in Russia and worldwide is currently sector of agricultural technologies and food (AgroTech & FoodTech), it was the topic of a special panel discussion. It took place on October 27 at the main stage of the forum, I had the opportunity to take part in this conversation.

The session dealt with the five key megatrends that affect the future of agriculture: climate change and natural resources, demographic and social transformations, transition to new scientific and technological paradigm, new models of economic growth and economic development, the transformation of the geopolitical context and control systems. Separately, Russian specificity of agribusiness was highlighted, where there are a number of advantages, such as a rich source of raw materials, opportunities for organic farming, and negative factors - the predominance of the export of goods with a low degree of processing, serious technological backwardness.

Deputy Director of the Forsyth Center of the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of HSE Alexander Chulok paid special attention to the agricultural education and innovation in the agro-industrial complex:

"It is necessary to pay attention to the education system and to talk about the competencies that are needed to create the food of the future, for the future agriculture, it is one of the key points. These areas are developing slowly, and if we do not start to make base of those competencies that will be helpful in 5-10 years, we risk being thrown out of the technological wave, which is now observed in the world. The rejection of society and innovation models, which are formed in the world can be strong enough constraint, that is climate change and the environment, the transition to the new technological order, access to new markets - functional food. "

Next they had been demonstrated the results of semantic analysis of more than 16 thousand documents on agriculture development in the near future in the world, conducted by analysts of the Higher School of Economics with the monitoring system of global technological trends:

- Molecular biology: DNA sequencing, embryo transfer;

- Urban farm: artificial lighting, sensors and control systems, livestock and aqua-culture;

- Precision agriculture: geographic information systems, non-tillage agriculture;

- Environmental management: management of natural resources, waste management;

- Genetic engineering: genetic modification, new veterinary drugs;

- Alternative energy: biofuels, solar energy, smart grid;

- Production of a new generation of functional food: biochemical enzyme technology, nanotechnology for the food industry, food supplements, fortified foods.

It should be noted that Stavropol State Agrarian University is already conducts research in a number of the above areas and has research development. And, of course, this work will be continued, including the existing small enterprises created in our university.It is important for SSAU to be on the "technological wave"! 

Дата новости для фото:  02.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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