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Make frieds with finance, agrarian!


To increase the financial literacy of the inhabitants of the villages of Stavropol Territory, working in the agricultural sector, will help professors of SSAU, with compensation.

Education program for improving the financial literacy of agricultural workers, farmers and private farms began on November 1, 2016 in the Stavropol Territory. The professors of Stavropol State Agrarian University during two months will train 350 people living in rural areas of the province. During this time they promiss to form in the agricultural sector workers a reasonable behavior in the sphere of monetary circulation.

Preparing of students holds for additional professional training program "The course on financial literacy for workers of the agricultural enterprises, farms and private farms of the Stavropol Territory using distance learning technologies." It is developed in the course of the contract, concluded between Moscow Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development and Stavropol Agrarian University.

Students will learn about the features of preparation of personal and family budgets, business plans, get acquainted with the rules of rational choice of loans and advances, conduct on the agricultural insurance market. It will not be circumvented and such preventive topic "How not to fall for the tricks of financial scams."

The duration of study was 8 days - it is 70 academic hours. The theoretical material will be studied for 6 days with the use of distance learning technologies. Two more days for classroom courses, where students consolidate the knowledge acquired. Meetings will be scheduled with the villagers in the community.

It is encouraging that training of agro-industrial complex workers of the Stavropol Territory are completely free of charge - in the framework of the project of the Ministry of Finance and the World Bank "Assistance to the population increase financial literacy and financial education in the Russian Federation". Testing of the said additional professional training programs for farmers Stavropol was held in September this year. Then it became 25 students - all of them employees of JSC "Kirov state farm", as well as individual entrepreneurs of Trunovsky district of the Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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