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The most beautiful persons study at Agrarian University!


In the contest "Miss and Mister students of the Stavropol Territory" agrarians, as always, was at the height. Anastasia Kazakova and Sergey Nogin got two titles: Chief - "Miss Student of the Stavropol Territory" and very prestigious - "First Vice-Mister student of Stavropol the edges".

The first of November in the Stavropol Palace of Culture named after Yuri Gagarin passed the long-awaited, favorite high school youth competition of beauty, grace and creativity, during which it is chosen "Miss and Mister students of the Stavropol Territory". Try force and to show off their beauty annually sought by many representatives of higher education institutions in our region.

From Stavropol State Agrarian University in the beautiful contest in 2016 was attended by Anastasia Kazakova, undergraduate first year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and Sergey Nogin, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Before the jury Agricultural applicants demonstrated their creative and intellectual abilities, we spoke about the idol of the national cinema, and fashion shows presented personal "student style" and "the image of the evening."

According to the results of the contest Nastia won the title "Miss Student of the Stavropol Territory", and Sergei became "the First Vice-Mister students of the Stavropol Territory" and "Mr. Creativity".

From our Rector, the whole staff and students of the Agrarian University there are congratulations to our beautiful children with the title and wish further success!

Thank you for the beautiful image of the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University, representatives of the high intelligence of the Russian Agrarian Youth, for the nice words on stage and beautiful deeds in life! 

Дата новости для фото:  03.11.2016 13:50
Номер новости для фото:  1

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