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Manager day at the Faculty of Economics


Traditional event with a new key topic "Features of the interviews in the organizations" prepared by the trade union committee of students of the Agrarian University and the Department of Management.

On the manager's Day, 2 November, a special guest was HR-director of the company "Pharm-trade" Tatiana Batura told about the main problems arising from the passage of the interviews in the organizations, and gave advice to future professionals.

In the second part of the event was held interactive, where students could have their practice skills to pass the interview. In addition, a competition was held for the best photos on social networks, the winners got branded mugs with the symbol of Stavropol State Agrarian University. All manager participants received commemorative certificates Day.

At the end of a memorable meeting, Head of the Department of Management Doctor of Economics, professor Andrey Baydakov wished all the participants not only become successful managers, but real leaders. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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