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Whose idea is better?


How is easier to learn a foreign language, to acquire information, to develop an information portal or create a research center – a lot of the business ideas proposed by the students of Accounting and Finance faculty, participating in the regional competition "You are entrepreneur".

The competition for best business idea organized by the Fund of entrepreneurship support of the Stavropol Region on the basis of the Center of Youth projects.

Among the ambitious participants were the 2nd year student of master's program "Management accounting and controlling" Soldatov Iliya (scientific supervisor – associate professor Bobryshev A. N.); 2nd year student of the master program "Financial management" Kambarova Katherine (scientific supervisor – professor Sklyarova Yu. M.); 1st year student of the master program "Accounting, analysis and audit" Gochiyayeva Aminat (scientific supervisor Gerasimov A. N.), 1st year student of master's program "Management accounting and controlling" Viktoriya Shumskaya (scientific supervisor – professor, Gerasimov A. N.); 4th year student of the profile "Accounting, analysis and audit" Babykin Alexander and 3rd year student of the profile "Taxes and taxation", Osychenko Anastasia (supervisors – associate professors Kulish N. V. Sytnik O. E.).

According to the results of the popular vote in a social network "Vkontakte" project of Gochiyaeva Aminat was considered as the best. It is a cross-platform software development components for the accelerated perception of information based on author's technology "Eyes Catching", a prize for Aminat was a certificate for getting a video camera. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  13

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