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Epizootological-epidemic signs of brucellosis and tendencies of their development in the modern period


An open lecture-discussion on the actual problem at the Faculty of Veterinary medicine on November, 9 was held by the head of the laboratory of specific protection of brucellosis of all-Russian research Institute of brucellosis and tuberculosis of animals, RAAS, professor Petros karapetovich Arakelyan.

Currently, brucellosis is a global problem for medical and veterinary healthcare. This is especially dangerous and socially significant infection brings significant economic damage and leads to a high level of disability.

Professor P. K. Arakelyan said about the main prerequisites for the revitalization of the incidence of people with brucellosis in different regions and at the level of cross-border space. He also presented a comparative analysis of the immunological tests for detection of Brucella and their soluble antigens showed different diagnostic possibilities of their use in epidemiological and clinical practice, has considered the basic directions of perfection of epidemiological supervision for brucellosis.

As the scientist has found the methodological basis for veterinary professionals should be serving as a retrospective epidemiological analysis to identify priority risk factors, to assess the effectiveness of the response and predict the prerequisites for the aggravation of the situation on brucellosis.

At this nosological form is of great importance the operational monitoring of the incidence of human and animal brucellosis with the establishment of the peculiarities of manifestation of the incidence of various administrative territories, improving the tactics of epizootological and epidemiological surveys in the foci of brucellosis in order to make timely adjustments to the existing system of epidemiological surveillance of the disease.

Open lectures, discussions and similar events at the faculty of veterinary medicine became the basis of exchange of experience in improvement of professional knowledge to ensure the epizootic situation on particularly dangerous animal and human diseases in the region. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  6

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