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Agrarian University is expanding its cooperation with the Central Bank


The involvement of employers in the educational process is a part of the program "Strategic partnership – an effective model of interaction between educational institutions and employers", successfully implemented for the accounting and Finance Department.

A series of lectures prepared by experts of the southern main branch of the Central Bank, from November, 1 started at the Accounting and Finance Department. The coordinators of these events are the teachers of the Department "Finance, credit and insurance".

Head of Department of financial monitoring of banking activities, financial markets, exchange control Eremina V. V. gave a lecture on the peculiarities of the physical persons of operations with cash foreign currency for 1st year students of the direction "Economics", profile "Finance and credit" within the discipline "Introduction to specialty".

Leading economist of payment systems and calculations Volokhova I.A. addressed to the 4th year students of the direction "Economics", profile "Finance and credit", with a lecture on the safe use of electronic means of payment.

The chief expert on the study of banknotes Tulisova S. N. held a lecture "the banknotes of the Bank of Russia in circulation" for 3rd year students of the direction "Economics", profile "Finance and credit", 3rd year students of Economics faculty, profile "World economy", as well as 2nd year students of the specialty "Economic security."

Such events will bring the Central Bank of Russia to a qualitatively new level of work with higher educational institutions in the direction of search, selection and development of promising graduates ready to work at the Central Bank.

Communication with employers can improve the level of students ' knowledge and develop the required professional skills, but also to instil in them a system of values and attitudes, which corresponds to the implemented education system. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  13

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