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Stavropol Region encourages the best students!


Honoring the scholarship of the Governor of Stavropol region, the winners of the "Award 2020" and the winners of the regional stage of Russian national prize "student of the year 2016" was held on November, 11.

The awarding ceremony was timed to the International students’ day. The best representatives of the Agrarian University, who distinguished themselves in education, science, sports and social activities, was warmly congratulated by the Governor of the Stavropol region Vladimir Vladimirov and the Minister of education and youth policy of the Stavropol region Evgeny Kozyura. In the ceremony of awarding talented youth of Stavropol took part, the Chairman of the Council of rectors of the Stavropol territory, the rector of SSAU, Professor, academician of RAS Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

This year holders a monthly scholarship of the Governor of Stavropol territory were 9 students of the Stavropol State Agricultural University. Among them: Julia Gusenitsa, Faculty of Economics; Fyodor Zavyalik, Farm mechanization faculty, Igor Zemlin, faculty of Agrobiology and land resources; Inna Kulieva, Accounting and Finance faculty; Margarita Kononova, Faculty of Technological management; Anastasia Kudrina, faculty of Veterinary medicine, Ekaterina Selezneva, faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism; Alexander Fast, Farm Electrification faculty; Anastasia Shkirya, faculty of Ecology and landscape construction.

Winners of regional youth award in the field of science, innovations and initiatives "Award 2020" also were awarded. They are the winners of international and all-Russian conferences, festivals, competitions, undergraduate and graduate students who have made a significant contribution to the public life of the University, the development of science, culture and art, promoting the Stavropol territory at the Federal or international levels: Philip Prozorov, post-graduate student of the Economics faculty, Ramil Isgandarov? Assistant professor of the Farm mechanization Faculty and Tatyana Alexandrova, assistant professor of the Technological Management Faculty.

The final stage of the ceremony was awarding of the winners of the regional stage of Russian national prize "Student 2016". Award for students of higher educational institutions are awarded in 10 nominations. Three of them won by the students of the Stavropol SAU: Jana Nikonova, Accounting and Finance faculty (nominated for "Volunteer of the year"); Fedor Zavyalik, Farm Mechanisation faculty (nomination "Intellect of the year") and Veronica Serikova, faculty of Economics, (nomination "sportsman of the year").

Дата новости для фото:  11.11.2016 20:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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