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The profession was chosen correctly!


Technologists-to-be in the field of production and processing of agricultural products studying at SSAU successfully mastered an additional general education program.

Not only theoretical lessons in the classroom of the university help freshmen of the Faculty of Technological Management to gain confidence in the correctness of the choice of profession. According to the students studying the program 35.03.07 Technology of production and processing of agricultural products, "the feeling that you are on the right professional way come when you are acquiring practical skills in production and technological laboratories of SSAU". But, according to the students themselves, this is also not enough.

Modern agrarian should not miss any of the opportunities for further qualification. For versatile specialist has a much better chance of finding a job in the field of specialty and after heart! In the meantime, under the guidance of Associate Professor Sergei Nikolayevich Shlykov and senior lecturer Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov students of the first year of study acquired the technology of sausages production and received certificates on the successful completion of this educational program.

Studying the program takes 20 classroom hours, most of which are aimed specifically at getting practical skills in the course of technological developments of sausages. Now the students are aware of all the professional subtleties of each stage of production technology of ham meat product: from salting, grinding, massaging the raw material and forming loaves before cooking, cooling and very pleasant - tasting. According to teachers, the students are very satisfied with the results of training, they learned a lot and are glad they made the right choice entering Stavropol State Agrarian University! 

Дата новости для фото:  14.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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