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A project of scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University became a finalist of Skolkovo Foundation "AgriBioTechnologies - 2016"


The competition of innovative projects in the field of genetics and breeding of crops, livestock and aquaculture held under the auspices of Skolkovo Foundation and the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov was attended by professors of the Faculty of Technological Management of SSAU.

It is noteworthy that the final was held on 10 November when scientists elite of the world celebrates World Science Day.

The contest was held on 4 categories:

- Industrial biotechnology in agriculture;

- Food Technology;

- Processing of raw materials and agricultural waste;

- Biotechnology of feed production and intensive cultivation of plants, animals and aquaculture.

Taking part in the second category and having passed the selection, the project "Development of technology of products enriched with biologically active ingredients" was presented by assistant professor of the department of production technology and processing of agricultural products of SSAU Elena Skorbina. Protection of the project was held in the framework of the International Conference on Biotechnology in the agricultural sector "Graintek 2016".

What was presented to the jury by the scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University? The technology, which allows to accelerate the process of dough, improve the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product, with the result that the use of bakery products has a positive effect on the human body. And yet it is possible to obtain a wide range of products for a healthy high quality food with desired properties and thus we can replace imported goods with similar properties.

The jury represented by the leading Russian scientists in the field of microbiology and biotechnology (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Bioengineering of the biological faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Alexei Solovchenko (jury chairman), Professor of the Department of Virology Olga Karpova, Head of the Department of Mycology and algology Alexander Kurakov and Head of the Department of microbiology of Moscow State University Alexander Netrusov; Professor of the Department of Immunology and biotechnology of Moscow State Academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin Mikhail Volkov, professor, scientific secretary of the Institute of Biochemistry and physiology of microorganisms named after G.K. Skryabin of RAS Tatiana Reshetilova; Head of the laboratory of molecular biotechnology of the Russian research and technological Institute of biological industry Boris Semin, Supervisory Board Chairman of "PO Sibbiofarm" Ltd Alexander Krichevsky) recognized the project of the staff of the Faculty of technological management as innovative, recommending further work in this direction.

And although the final protection without absolute victory does not give special preferences to scientists, the project developers intend to improve it. Thus, the steps in Skolkovo and not only ... will continue! 

Дата новости для фото:  14.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  14

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