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Stavropol agribusiness will receive objective outlook for agricultural enterprises


Thanks to scientists of SSAU Stavropol farmers will now be able totally free on-line to assess the prospects for the development of their production.

The Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory on November 15 held a meeting chaired by the Deputy Minister Sergei Izmalkov dedicated to the implementation of the electronic online resource for determining the agricultural activities of the region in the market economy. This innovative project is implemented by Stavropol State Agrarian University in the framework of the state contract on August 22, 2016 number 188/16 with the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory.

During the meeting, its developers - SSAU scientists presented their product and discussed its features. The main purpose of the resource is to enable the representatives of Stavropol agribusiness to get an objective forecast of prospects for the development of their businesses in our region format.

The site will feature two main interrelated parts: the first - the analysis of the current situation in the agricultural sector in the context of areas, agro-climatic zones and all Stavropol region in general, and the second - a direct prediction itself.

According to the project leader, Doctor of Economics, professor of the Department of Management of the Agrarian University Andrei Nikolaevich Baidakov, despite the existence of various resources that provide similar services, there is no analogues Internet resource in Russia yet. The apparent advantage of this development is the fact that farmers of Stavropol Region can use it for free.

In real time, anyone can carry out two types of analysis of the activity - the primary and advanced. Forecasts will also be formed on the basis of shared data and in an exclusive form; they may be accessible to all users of the program, and presented to one particular user.

Дата новости для фото:  16.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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