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"Autumn Academy of livestock breeding - 2016" – a stage for future employment of agrarian youth


According to the results of the visit on October 25 of potential employers of "EkoNiva-AIC Holding" (Voronezh) and held with the students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Stavropol State Agrarian University business constructive dialogue, the selection to participate in the educational project "Academy of livestock breeding" was passed by the 5th year student Maxim Kovalev.

As a result, the student of SSAU, who comes from the village of Georgievskaya of Stavropol Territory, in the framework of the program to improve professional skills "Academy of livestock breeding" from 14 to 18 November took training in large livestock complexes of the agricultural holding "EkoNiva-AIC" in Voronezh region.

Note that, in addition to strengthening cooperation with leading agrarian universities of the country, "EkoNiva" seeks to expand the knowledge of the future experts in the field of business processes and application of modern technology of milking, feeding, reproduction, treatment and maintenance of cattle on large livestock complexes, as well as to develop students’ practical skills of working with cattle.

The program included a tour around the livestock complexes of the agricultural holding, meeting the specialists of the enterprise.

- On the first day, - says Maxim – there was initial testing of the Academy participants on the basics of animal husbandry. On the second, declared as the Day of veterinarian, there was theoretical and practical training on cattle diseases and modern treatment technologies used in agricultural holding "EkoNiva-AIC", as well as a contest "Best Veterinarian".

On the 3rd day - Day of animal breeder - Maxim Kovalev became a member of the theoretical and practical sessions devoted to modern methods of selection, preparation of diets. Together with other students, he studied specialized programs of animal recording (SELEX), herd management (Dairy Plan, Dairy Comp). The highlight of the day was the contest "The best livestock breeder."

On the day of a veterinary doctor and a specialist in reproduction Maxim enlarged his knowledge in the theoretical and practical lessons on reproduction in cattle. At the end, according to the test results, the student of Stavropol State Agrarian University Maxim Kovalev received a certificate of participation in the project "Autumn Academy of livestock breeding - 2016". The question: what especially interesting and useful things were waiting on Voronezh farms for a future veterinary specialist, who has to study a little more than six months before the graduation, Stavropol student answered as follows:

- There is excellent base for practical work in agricultural enterprises with a large number of cattle. I mean the village of Verkhny Ikorets, where there are more than 5.5 thous. heads. Communicating with the head of the department of veterinary medicine, Sergei Kupriyanov, I felt a great interest in the management of young personnel and very friendly attitude on the part of leading experts. Everything is modern: the equipment for the diagnosis of diseases of farm animals, and methods of treatment.

In 2017 for a couple of months the student of Stavropol State Agricultural University will come here for training, and then at the end of training and after receiving a diploma of higher agricultural education in the best university of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia may stay working in Voronezh region, where wages and career growth in enterprises “EkoNiva” are very attractive for young people.

Reference: The educational project "Academy of Livestock breeding" is being implemented by "EkoNiva-AIC Holding" Ltd (Voronezh) for Russian students of agricultural universities since 2015. The project concerning the scope of dairy farming has already been attended by more than 50 young representatives of 12 leading universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  14

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