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Сhallenging ideas of farmers received presidential support


Young scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexander Trukhachev and Ruslan Omarov won the right to receive in 2017 the President of the Russian Federation to grant state support to candidates. Financing and implementation of their author's projects is a new high school in terms of growth in the agricultural sector.

The phenomenon of rural tourism should feel Russians

For its development head of chair of socio-cultural Service and Tourism (faculty of Economics), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Trukhachev chose the theme, which is now at the cutting edge - rural tourism. Moreover, he took over the conceptual basis of the state policy of development of rural tourism in the Russian Federation.

Given the global challenges, ever-growing tendency of citizens to spend free time in the countryside, a rich historical and cultural capital of the village, the revival of folk arts and crafts, traditions, rural recreation, the Russians have a great chance to taste the charm of this kind of tourism. However, the foundations of the Russian state of rural tourism development policies yet, and the concept of «rural tourism» is not yet enshrined in law. It is therefore important to develop a conceptual basis of the state policy of the Russian rural tourism, examining it in the federal and regional formats.

According to grant holder, rural tourism as a priority type of tourism is appropriate in our Stavropol region. The author has developed two business models (network and resource models) of rural tourism, taking into account current trends in demand and the development of innovative technologies and services tourist show. It is proved that rural tourism in the sustainable development of the region plays the role of a compensation mechanism for the employment of the rural population, retain and attract young people, ensuring stability of income, etc. In order to identify best practices of rural tourism development and dissemination of best practices A. Trukhachev summed up the experience to support and stimulate the development of rural tourism at the regional level and presented proposals to create a framework of strategic documents.

Prospective beef: from field to consumer

Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by ensuring high standards of life support as a strategic national priority requires new approaches based on science-based biological principles, innovative and environmentally sound technologies. Formation of a healthy type of food requires, in turn, increase the production of new fortified, dietary and functional food products.

Applied project of Candidate of Technical Sciences Ruslan Omarov «Development of beef production technology with a modified fatty acid composition for functional food» is aimed at the development of beef cattle to ensure the country's domestic high-quality beef.

Author design is a senior lecturer in technology of production and processing of agricultural products of the faculty of Technological Management at the SSAU R. Lobster plans to achieve this goal at the expense of feeding the animals certain types of forage grasses that can improve the fatty acid composition of meat. A marbled beef, as you know, today is one of the best natural health food.

- It is important to obtain as a result of a favorable ratio of omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids, - says Ruslan Omarov. - Then the new raw meat will be the basis for the development of functional meat products, and their use will have a positive effect on the human body. The results of the work carried out, we will put the basis of guidelines for the progressive technology of production of such beef. And then we develop the technology and formulation of functional foods for the prevention of nutritional etiology of disease, especially atherosclerosis.

The research results will be applied to improve the efficiency of agricultural production in the area of beef cattle due to a significant increase in the qualitative characteristics of the resulting meat. And we offer the technology can be implemented on livestock enterprises of different capacity, specializing in the fattening of cattle. As a result, beef will gain a new status - a perspective enriched raw meat and become the basis for the production of functional food product line.

Note that research data can be used in biomedical and veterinary technology. All tests will be held on the basis of educational and experimental farm of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, and laboratory tests - in accredited laboratories of the university.

Let's hope that the implementation of the proposed project solutions scientists at the Stavropol State Agrarian University will allow to give another impetus to the next and beef cattle breeding and rural tourism in the region. Anyway, young researchers R. Omarov and A. Trukhachev, owners of the RF President grant will contribute to this. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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