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Freshmen ball in the Stavropol State Agrarian University in format of Russian cinema


Traditionally bright exciting autumn show for first-year students of faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University has identified the most beautiful couples, competed in different categories.

They leave the past few months in 2016 - the year of the Russian cinema. Therefore, the choice of subjects of agrarian Ball, held on 29th November at the winter garden of the university, was obvious. Amazing art of cinema, which transported the participant celebration, helped students open up even more newcomers. After all, they were preparing for this holiday very carefully, carefully thinking through not only the costume details. Note that to win on such a celebration can only particularly elegant couple that attracts attention the fact that the beautiful dances, shows ingenuity in various competitions and behaves in this very gallantly. Assess the performance of these exquisite pair discerning jury members: vice president for academic and educational work of Ivan Atanov, deans of , vice-deans of the faculties at the Stavropol State Agrarian University and chairman of the primary trade union organization of the university Nikolai Golovin.

In the first warm-up stage, all participants were given photos with fragments from the film, the name of which it was required to determine in 10 minutes. If the couple was able to specify the names of the director and main actors, that encouraged additional balls. Next couple in just a minute guessed the name of the movie that is encrypted on the screen in the collage. Among them were loved by the people, "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation", "Go to Fight Some Old People", "Man from Boulevard des Capucines" and etc. After listening to music, the participants were required to answer, from which it is a movie. As a result, it was guessed wonderful melodies from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson", "Carnival Night" and "Brilliant hands", "Caucasian Captive", "The Twelve Chairs" and many other domestic cinematic masterpieces. In the final stage of the ball pairs should show their creativity in the new selected image.

It should be noted that their beautiful music and dance notes in this beautiful holiday and have vocal soloists and dance companies of the agricultural university, strengthening the excellent aesthetics of the celebrations for the freshmen.

By the way, the show offers a pleasant surprise: they have four certificate for a photo session by leading photographers Agricultural University have been played and a certificate for two for a hike in the trampoline center of the partner of the event - "Trampoline Club JUMPER Stavropol". The organizers expressed their gratitude to the ball and the other general partner activities: the company "Green spot", providing a reliable home Internet and TV in 16 cities in Russia, and the best theater Kinomax of Stavropol, which presented a certificate for each pair a free walk to the movies.

When the jury made its main verdict proved that "Miss and Mister autumn agricultural Ball - 2016" became Kuzoynaya Xenia and Maygkov Nikita, first-year students of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources. The title of "Second vice-miss and second vice-mister ball" awarded Gubzhokova Daria and Samartsev Dmitri (faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism). The first vice-miss and vice-mister chose Kononova Mary and Kaberda Maxim (faculty of economics).

The most romantic pair is Kitaeva Galina and Miroshnichenko Maxim (faculty of veterinary medicine), the most charming - Grachoyva Alexandra and Goncharov Andrei (faculty of technology management). The most creative announced Lynoyva Valery and Kisterov Gleb (faculty of agricultural mechanization). The most recognized artistic pair with the faculty of electricity is Selivanova Margarita and Vasenin Alexander. But Borsevic Victoria and Dmitry Gonchar (faculty of ecology and landscape architecture) is the most stylish pair. On an intellectual point of the ball better than others has proved to couple with accounting and finance department Latysheva Alexandra and Sergei Mokrikov, the jury awarded them the title of "Intellect ball".

Among other nice gifts, couples awarded commemorative badges Autumn Ball and gift sets from the "Green point" (Stavropol) with certificates on the Internet for each participant.

Дата новости для фото:  30.11.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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