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A series of lectures with the Central Bank has completed


In Stavropol State Agrarian University for students of Accounting and Finance Faculty, the profile "Accounting, analysis and audit", there was a lecture "Safe use of electronic means of payment", which became final in a series of joint activities with the South Main Directorate of the Central Bank.

There were six lectures on various topics. Students of Accounting and Financial and Economic Faculties have learned about the importance of financial literacy, the rules of the individuals transactions with cash foreign currency, the Bank of Russia's banknotes in circulation, the signs of insolvency of cash and cash stories signs in Russian.

The main external users of the services of higher education institutions are employers (companies, organizations, public authorities, etc.), which recruit graduates and expect them to possession of professional competency complex, satisfying the requirements of an innovative model of economy and society. These lectures with employers can not only raise the level of knowledge of students and to develop the required skills, but also to form them a system of values and attitudes, which corresponds to the implemented system of education. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  11

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