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The fundamental and applied science are the integral part of the cultural and intellectual potential of the nation


Expanded meeting of the Stavropol branch of Physiological Society named after Pavlov was held with the participation of scientists of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of SSAU.

Participation in the enlarged meeting of the Company was held on the first of December in the form of a video conference and the Employees of the department of physiology, surgery and obstetrics Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Stavropol State Agrarian University, headed by Professor of Academy of Sciences, head of the department, doctor of biological sciences, professor A.N. Kvochko took part.

The videoconference was also attended by the leading of medical educational institutions of the North Caucasus Federal District: Stavropol State Medical University, Chechen State University, Dagestan State Medical University, the Kabardino-Balkarian State Medical University named after Barbekova, North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy and Ingush Medical Institute.

Report of professor of Academy of Sciences, head of the department of physiology, surgery and obstetrics Stavropol SAU A.N. Kvochko was dedicated to Modern trends in the development of biological science.

Other issues were also disscussed.

So, the age characteristics of daily dynamics of steroid hormones in saliva in young athletes reported a professor of the department of anatomy and physiology of the North Caucasus Federal University, Doctor of Biological Sciences T.I. Dzhandarova and co-rapporteur O.V. Kastornov, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Laboratory of Diagnostics and Pharmacy of SCFU, E.A. Melchenko told about Condition of cardiovascular system in metabolic violation of calcium and magnesium.

About the application of a self-learning neural network and Bayes' theorem for the assess the risk of complications in obstetric and neonatal practice reported a senior lecturer in the normal physiology of Stavropol State Medical University PhD E.O. Melikbekian.

As a result of performances, based on the strategic guidelines, scientists have made findings and conclusions on the need to further improve the basic and applied research carried out by agencies of the state academies of sciences, universities and leading scientific organizations. The basis of this process should be based on the fact: the fundamental and applied science - it is an integral part of the cultural and intellectual potential of the nation. All fields marked position with their careful execution will ensure obtaining new knowledge about nature, man and society, and fundamental research in priority areas in our country and at the global level. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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