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Academic Council of Stavropol State Agrarian University


At the regular meeting of the Academic Council of SSAU rector of the Agricultural University, Academician, Professor, Honored Worker of Science, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, Labor Hero of Stavropol, an honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory, warmly congratulated the honored award-winning faculty and staff of the university and with warm words gave them.

Certificates recieved the Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Service, V.S. Varivoda, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, credit and insurance Y.E. Klishina.

The title "Honored Worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia" recieved vice-principal of academic and educational work I.V. Atanov, dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Financial E. I. Kostyukova, head of the department of physiology, surgery and obstetrics A.N. Kvochko, Professor, Department of processes and machines in agribusiness N.E. Rudenko, head of quality management education Center E.V. Khokhlova.

Certificates of honor and gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation presented to head of the department of agricultural chemistry and plant physiology M.S. Sigida, head of the department of finance, credit and insurance I. I.Glotova, assistant professor of processes and machines in agribusiness E.V. Kulaev; Associate Professor of Department of Management T.I. Sahnyuk, Associate Professor of Financial Accounting V.S. Germanova, assistant of the Department of machinery and agribusiness technologies I.I. Gazizova, engineer of Experimental Station V.N.Mashentseva, driver of StGAU garage of 1st Class Y.P. Kapustin and M. N.Selenok - tractor driver.

Medal and Certificate of the Foundation of the National Committee of Russia on Irrigation and Drainage "For merits in land reclamation" received Dean of the Faculty Agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture A. N.Esaulko and Professor of the Department of General Agriculture, crop and breeding named after Professor F. I. Bobrysheva R.G. Dorozhko.

Rector again thanked the awardees for their good work and expressed his best wishes.

Next speaker was Dean of the Faculty of electricity M.A. Mastepanenko. He spoke about the state and development of educational and methodical, scientific research and educational work in the electricity department. Scientists discussed the main problems and ways to solve them. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  6

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