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Agrarian students in different roles shone on the biggest stage of the Stavropol Territory


Nine university faculties, 700 participants joined XXXIII gala concert "Young Talents" - the large-scale creative event of Agrarian University in 2016.

Sixth of December in the hall of the Stavropol Palace of Culture and Sports was a full house. Among those who wanted to spend a night were not the only ones who are now studying and teaching at SSAU, but also the parents and relatives of first-year students, their school teachers, and even future employers. And this is no accident. Debut of fresmen was resounding, in series with a smile and admiration about them to say: "And the VGIK, and GITIS are over."

Bright incendiary show, which annually with love of alma mater prepare all newcomers of agrarian university, actually has a long history. By tradition of the concert, trying their hand at a variety of creative ways by those who only three months ago, joined the agrarian brotherhood. And today all of them - "Stars" and has already conquered the audience with their dances, songs, theater, poetic art, inspired by the fact that were "under the wing" of the rector of their dreams! It is a homemade tablet - "Rector of Dream" - as a symbol of the highest authority was set up by students at the rector's office door of Stavropol University, Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Vladimir Ivanovich sincerely congratulated the audience with a welcome of festival, gave New Year gifts to students, perhaps even more strengthened the faith of young people in what the Agrarian Dreams certainly true!

Judge for yourself. Nine students for activity in the scientific and public life of the university will now receive, in addition to academic scholarship, the SSAU Academic Council scholarship. Four from the beginning of 2017, will be transferred to the budgetary training. Each "young talent" is entitled to an additional scholarship if the singer, then two. Seven winners of the online contest "Agrarian for me - it's ...", some of whom are students, the Rector presented the fashion hoodies with university logos.

Note that 196 students of SSAU, the most distinguished in education, science, social life, will receive a total of 12.685 million rubles. One-time financial incentives range from 52 to 180 thousand rubles! Among the "lucky" are the best of the best: Veronika Serikova, winner of the National Prize "Student of the Year - 2016" (in the "Athlete of the Year" nomination); Prize winners of the regional stage - Yana Nikonova and Fedor Zavyalik; Vice-Miss Student of Russia - 2016 Anastasia Kazakova; winner of the All-Russian contest "Russian Volunteer" Inna Kulieva. Also encouraged the seven winners of the All-Russian stage of youth scientific innovation competition "UMNIK" and the trio had risen to a high level of sports Olympus composed of: graduate student Shebzuhov Malik, the winner of the championship of Europe in wrestling, Korshunov Nicholas, winner of the championship of Eurasia Powerlifting and student Zadorozhnaya Tatiana, silver medalist of the European Cup in judo. Popular students leaving year awarded commemorative medal "Glory and pride of Stavropol State Agrarian University."

Excited about what is happening on the stage of the magnificent action, where harmony interwoven together dance "Wreath of friendship", performances of vocalists and student choir, flanked checkers, shadow theater, guitar solo, hip hop and belly dancing, there was also a guest of the festival - representing The Ministry of education and youth policy of the Stavropol Territory Donetsky Dmitry. According to the deputy minister, "If every school of the Territory were a youth policy, the Territory would have been different." By staying in the region for years, more forces young people would wanted to give to prosperity.

When the three-hour large-scale festival came to an end, Rector V.I. Trukhachev admitted he is proud of the Agrarian University, which year after year grows talents - in the scientific, educational, social and artistic activities. For this purpose it was organized more than 160 events on various subjects! By the way, the system of student creativity of Stavropol State Agrarian University in 2016 was recognized as one of the best in the country.

And all this to the freshmen, stronger in its agricultural community, to give a powerful impetus to the support of the university management, undergraduates and teachers being charged with positive energy for an excellent study, scientific research, sports and creative pursuits. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2016 11:45:00
Номер новости для фото:  6

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