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Practitioners to future agronomists


At the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of Stavropol State Agrarian University, was completed the cycle of open lectures of representatives of departmental and production structures of the agrarian sector.

The final series of lectures for students of 3rd courses of direction "Agronomics" held a chief agronomist OPH Ltd. "Ray" of Novoselitsk District Alexander Dontsov and chief agronomist SEC farm-breeding plant "Kazminsky" of Kochubeevsky District Alexander Ostrikov. They talked about the application of intensive technologies in the application of fertilizers in the system accurately and traditional farming, considered practical ways to precision of farming system.

A. Dontsov told about the main directions of activity of the economy, ways of production breeding seeds of higher reproductions crops.

A. Ostrikov shared the experience of the application of precision farming systems on the farm-breeding plant "Kazminsky" telling details about the features of monitoring of crop rotations and field circuits on an electronic map, monitoring each field on the satellite images, the methods of allocating areas of fertility by the pictures and the drawing up of differentiated cards of fertilizer application. As an experienced practitioner Alexander commented soil sampling technique autosampler with reference to the coordinates.

Upon completion of a series of lectures, students were awarded with certificates on completion of training. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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