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NO to bad habits!


"We do not smoke, and it's great" - was the title of the action, which had a 2nd year students of the Faculty of Accounting and finance, speciality "Economic Security".

On this day on the area adjacent to the Agricultural University, the attention of passers-by was attracted by young people with banners in their hands - they were handing out candy ... and green ribbons, which symbolized health. But not to everyone, but in exchange for a cigarette. Many smokers was surprised and at the same time as the joyful, made to think - what to choose. Someone made the exchange, until someone felt sorry for his cigarettes. Still, the guys put together a decent amount of nicotine poison, which then was successfully destroyed.

Protesters wanted to convey to everyone - it is stupid to harm yourself. They are sure - those who care about his health over time to quit. The event lasted about two hours, during which time many had to take part in it. Passers-by were surprised that young people are committed to a healthy lifestyle! 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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