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Physics is the basis for all sciences!


Teachers of the Department of Physics under the supervision of the assistant professor S.I. Lybaya has held a series of interactive sessions with first-year students of Faculties of Economics, Agrobiology and Land Resources.

All the participants took an active part in the event – it was interesting, because the organizers in a visual and engaging way tried to explain complex physical phenomena, to show their practical application: "Physics is the Queen of all Sciences”. The following subjects were discussed: "Interesting physics", "Physical phenomena in nature", "the application of physics in engineering", "why do we teach physics", "physics around us". Participants were trying to explain how lightning occurs and why the rivers flow, how crystals are formed, how is produced a solar energy, and how physics is connected with their future profession.

To discover the mysteries of physical phenomena was fascinating to everyone: both for those who do it for the first time – students and professionals – teachers. It was interesting and the guests from the Kuban State Agrarian University Candidate of technical Sciences, professor of Department of electric machines and drives, D. A. Ovsyannikov and post-graduate student of Department of electric machines and drives A. P. Voloshin. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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