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Soil scientists of the Stavropol SAU took part in the celebration of World Day of Soils


Scientists of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources participated in the International conference of scientists "Soil and legume – symbiosis for life".

It was timed to the World day of soils and was held in Moscow. Representatives of the Agrarian University was the head of the Department of soil science professor V. S. Tskhovrebov and associate professors D. V. Kalugin, A. M. Nikiforova.

The conference was attended by prominent scientists in the field of soil science: the President of the International Union of soil Sciences T. Kozaki (Japan); President of the Society of soil scientists of the Russian Federation to them. V. V. Dokuchaev, member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. A. Shoba; the representative of the Secretariat of the Global soil partnership L. Vise (Italy); Director of the International centre for soil information H. van den Bosch (Netherlands); Director of the Department of the impact of global change on agriculture and forestry, the European Mediterranean centre for climate change, Nobel prize winner R. Valentini (Italy); Professor of Royal University of agriculture D. Hopkins (UK).

After the plenary session for Larch Avenue was the parade of the soil and laying flowers to the monument to the outstanding scientist, the soil scientist and agronomist V. R. Williams, and then took a tour of the refurbished Museum of soils to them. V. R. Williams of the Russian State University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev.

Breakout session made presentations scientists of SSAU. D. V. Kalugin told about increase of fertility of leached chernozem by making rocks of different Genesis. A. M. Nikiforov talked about the change in the content of organic matter in chernozem ordinary carbonate and ordinary routine as a result of their agricultural use. Following the conference, our scholars received a certificate of participation, and of A. M. Nikiforova of the diploma of 2 degree. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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