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Ceremony of diplomas awarding


At the Stavropol State Agrarian University was held a solemn awarding of diplomas of professional training to seventeen members of the Stavropol Department of the Terek Cossacks.

More than three months in part-time form using distance learning technologies Cossack activists were trained on additional educational program "Psychological and pedagogical bases of the education of youth." It was developed by teachers of Pedagogics, psychology and sociology Department of the Agricultural University. The organization of the educational process has been provided by the staff of the advanced training faculty of the Institute of additional professional education of the University. "The knowledge is very necessary. They often hold various themed events in schools, – said the chief specialist of Department of military-patriotic education of the Cossack cadet education and culture of the Cossacks Alexander Pechnikov. – In order the communication to be successful, you must know the basics of pedagogy, methodology of teaching and educational work, to know the characteristics of the developmental psychology of adolescents".

At the ceremonial presentation of diplomas many kind words were said to the University, the faculty and staff. Representatives of bodies of the society promised to continue not to lose touch with our University. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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