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"Be strong is okay. Be smart is twice better"


Intellectual game "Momentum of knowledge" was held at the SSAU among the first-year students of the Finance and Accounting Faculty.

The motto of the game was the statement of the famous fabulist Ivan Krylov: "Be strong is okay. Be smart is twice better". It was a good fight among the best teams of the faculty, and there were 12.

The title of the intellectuals went to the team "Axiomic". With a small gap the 2nd prize was won by the team "the Greens" and 3 prize was shared by "Erudite" and "Dreamer". Also, the organizers have identified the best player of the finals – they were Dmitry Akulov and Nikita Dotsenko. All the participants were awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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