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Exporters met in Stavropol State Agrarian University


The I scientific-practical conference of exporters of Stavropol Territory "Export: 26 region" took place in Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The plenary session was chaired by the head of the economic unit of Stavropol A. Murga. The conference has become the largest media platform, where all the leading exporters of Stavropol, top-level experts, analysts and government officials gathered for the first time to discuss export problems and prospects of Stavropol.

The event was attended by the head of the regional division of the Russian export center V. Esin, Head of the Department for Relations with the MSP Bank, the development and promotion of products of the MSP Corporation A. Andreev, President of the National Union of exporters of food, member of the Committee on Economic Integration and Foreign Economic Affairs and Committee on agribusiness development of the Chamber of Commerce of Russia D. Bulatov, head of the Unified information portal "Exporters of Russia" Yu. Shurigin, expert of the Committee on economic policy and entrepreneurship of the State Duma of the Russian Federation P. Trawinski, chairman of the Board of Directors of the international experts network "Soyuzkonsalt", member of the committee on economic integration and Foreign economic Affairs of the Chamber of Commerce of Russia Yu. Paladev, and managing partner of the firm SCHWARZ & PARTNER V. Konshin from Prague and a delegation of businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Opening the conference, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Stavropol Territory A. Murga said that this event is held in the region first of all to get feedback from exporters, what state support mechanisms are today helpful for them in entering the international markets, as well as for major export players to share their experience with young start-ups.

Also at the conference in the course of the expert meeting, participants discussed the markets of industrial and food products distribution, problems and prospects of development of regional export, customs and foreign economic regulation, technology and product quality, priority directions of scientific and technological cooperation, business personnel policy.

In the framework of the event there was also an exhibition of products of Stavropol commodity producers, contacts exchange with representatives of Azerbaijani business and summing up of the competition "Best Exporter of the Year"

Дата новости для фото:  19.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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