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What a wonderful holiday - New Year!


Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture SSAU held a traditional New Year's concert.

Opened festive event the Vice-Rector for academic and educational work senior lecturer I.V. Atanov: "Soon will come the New Year, and with it a series of long-awaited magic holiday Christmas. Another year, for students of Agrarian university, it was rich, full of events, changes, goes down in history. With light, bright sadness seeing it, we mentally summarize, make plans and hope that all our plans will certainly come true. Happy Holidays - New 2017 year "

The concert was attended by special guests: Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management Associate Professor V.S. Skripkin, Accounting and Finance, Professor E.I. Kostyukova, Electric power engineering, Associate Professor M.A. Mastepanenko, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, Professor A. T. Lebedev, Chairman of the trade union committee of employees P. Khorishko.

The guys gave a great concert, they have once again shown that the university students are talented in everything. And of course, all guests received gifts from the most beloved magician Santa Claus and all those present - positive emotions and festive mood. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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