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Institute of Continuing Professional Education SSAU completed training for members of territorial election commissions


Today Stavropol State Agrarian University, together with the Electoral Commission of Stavropol region held a final training seminar in the Stavropol Territory.

"Legal education of voters, professional training of members of the commission and other election officials" - that sounded a common theme series of events. The final seminar was attended by the chairman of E.V. Demyanov, secretary of the election commission of Stavropol Territory O. Maltseva, the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory S.A. Shevelev; SSAU staff: Director of the Institute of additional professional education O.M. Lisova, Professor, Department of History and Philosophy II revelers docents V.I. Curchev, N.G. Guzynin.

O.M. Lisova turned to the audience, she said, that the election commission of our university operates a number of years and this cooperation is very fruitful, emphasized: "In relation to your work it is evident that every specialist is in his place." She congratulated everybody for the New Year, addressed warmest wishes, you create a positive atmosphere. The problem of negative youth attitudes towards elections is through the prism of the historical development of our country, to display and analyze the main reasons for this phenomenon. Share your experience in the implementation of the high school program "Young politician".

It should be noted that during the year the staff of Stavropol State Agrarian University provided conducting classes with students in the following main thematic blocks: characteristics of the electoral process in the Russian Federation; election technologies; activities of the territorial and precinct election commissions; potential conflicts and their prevention during election campaigns; especially the organization of interaction with various target groups of voters.

In conclusion was the award for the diligent work and significant contribution to the development of the electoral system. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.12.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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