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New Year congratulations from the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, the Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory, Vla


Dear teachers, students, graduate students and staff!

Graduates, university partners, the parents of our students!

We heartily congratulate you and wish you

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Everywhere it is already felt the approach of your favorite people really family holiday: the capital region, and our Agrarian University - all around a magical New Year's decoration.

The year was very successful for Stavropol State Agrarian University! Our big family of the higher education in 2016 successfully taught and studied diligently engaged in science, creativity, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, educated youth in the spirit of these values ​​- and in everything sought to reach unprecedented heights. We managed much!

We worked year after year and went to Perfection. And in 2016 SSAU was the best in the European category "Development of institutional capacities", the college received a unique status - three times winner of the Prize of the prestigious competition EFQM Quality. And it was a triumph of our university in Europe!

Model School student activists SSAU in 2016 was recognized as the best in Russia! The Agrarian - the best support system for student creativity. Students' groups SSAU are ones of the best in the country and in the region, our university is a leader.

For the third year in a row, our students hold the highest positions in the country, becoming the owners of Russian National Award "Student of the Year". In 2016 Veronica Serikova, 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics, won the nomination "Sportsman of the Year."

Grant support from the President of Russia on an innovative project activities meeting the challenges of the time, in 2016 received PhD Vladimir Samoilenko and Alexei Bobrishev.

For the best agricultural university of the country it is important to be on the "technological wave." Therefore, in 2016 SSAU stepped in Skolkovo! Resident largest techno-park in Eastern Europe on a new track, "Biotechnology in Agriculture" was a graduate student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Ivan Chuksin.

Eight federal "Umnik" SSAU distinguished themselves in the areas of biotechnology and information technology, medicine, advanced materials and technologies of their creation, new devices and hardware systems. On the podium of winners of IV All-Russian intellectual game was our "New Farmer" team " Elite ". More than 770 awards in various denominations for innovation were conquered by a team of Agrarian University in 112 international, national and regional exhibitions.

The main events of the country volunteers did not do without the participation of SSAU. Student of Accounting and Finance Faculty Inna Kulieva - winner of the category Event volunteering. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, "the All-Russian competition" Volunteer of Russia - 2016 ". Medals "For contributions to the development of volunteering in the Caucasus" were awarded the volunteer group "Volunteer."

Creative collective of the Agrarian University - vocal studio "Provence" and the show-project "Evidens" took two Grand Prix at the XXIV Festival "Student Spring Stavropol - 2016".

Our university officially opened its doors to the X All-Russian contest of intelligence, creativity and sport "Miss Student Russia - 2016". Crown Vice Miss Students - 2016 and the title of "Miss Intellect" now the most beautiful student of the Stavropol Territory - Anastasia Kazakova, a student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

I am proud of my alma mater - Stavropol State Agrarian University: its teaching staff, the youngest in the country, but with a huge scientific potential; highly motivated students, the parents who helped their children make the right choice in favor of the best agricultural university in Russia and did not regret it!

By the way, more than 1000 children come to us to learn from the rural hinterland, and now live in the new campus of the European level. Ultra-modern, the best in the country 11-storey student hostel truly graced the center of Stavropol.

I do not cease to be proud of a large army of our dear graduates. They successfully work in all sectors of the state economics, occupy key positions in the agricultural sector. I sincerely thank our partners, whose cooperation effectively and tested over the years.

We have a landmark event - the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Year of local initiatives, announced by the Governor of the Stavropol region. Ahead of a new round of agrarian history, new discoveries and great success! And let the future high results of the University will be a weighty contribution to solving the country in facing ambitious tasks.

I wish our close-knit fraternity agrarian intellectual and creative ascent, breakthrough solutions to achieve food independence of Russia!

Let all the changes be for the better and realize our dreams. Health, peace sky, love, luck!

Happy New Year and Magic Christmas! 

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