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Stavropol State Agrarian University is the only one prize-winner of All-Russian contest of athletic and sports activities in the region and in the North Caucasus Federal District.


Stavropol SAU became the prize-winner of All-Russian open public contest for colleges and universities on the best organization of athletic and sports activities among the students.

The contest was held among Russian universities and colleges in order to determine the best accredited professional educational organizations and accredited educational institutions of higher education on the organization of athletic and sports activities, the compilation and dissemination of best practices, the implementation of the complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. The organizers were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sport and the All-Russian public organization "Russian Student Sports Union".

According to the results of the regional stage, Stavropol State Agrarian University was the winner and secured the right to participate in all-Russian stage, including 83 educational institutions of the Russian Federation from 32 territorial entities of the country.

Stavropol SAU took the prize in the nomination “The best accredited educational institution of higher education on the organization of athletic and sports activities among students” (from 5,000 to 10,000 students). It is worth noting that the University was the only representative of Stavropol Territory and North Caucasus Federal District, which came into the list of the winners of the contest.

The prize of SSAU in the All-Russia competition is the deserved result of its activities in the sphere of physical training and students’ sport development. Currently, about 3,800 students have athletic titles. There are 8 sports clubs in 20 sports; 3567 students are involved in them; 285 athletes are members of the University teams, 65 have the title the Candidate of Master of Sports of, more than 40 people are the Masters of sports of Russia. Honored Masters of Sports, Masters of Sports of international level, the winners and the prize winners of the Olympic Games, European and world championships are the pride of the Agrarian University. This victory is the undisputed result of the hard and laborious work of highly qualified teachers of the department of physical education and sports, including PhDs, Masters of Sports of the USSR and Russia, Honored trainers of the Russian Federation, the Olympic champions and Honored Masters of Sports of Russia.

The order № 1685 from 30.12.2016, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Link: http://documents/prikaz.pdf

Дата новости для фото:  09.01.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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