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We think about the future of young professionals


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University became diploma receivers of the Interregional Olympiad of students “Career steps” and of the project “Interregional platform “University - Student – Employer”.

The works of the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Economics Elizaveta Bondareva (the supervisor is Associate Professor of the Department of Management T.I. Sahnyuk), the 3rd year students of Accounting and Finance Department Valeriya Gorokh and Christina Shelkovaya (the supervisor is Associate Professor of Accounting and Financial Accounting Department O. E. Sytnik) were awarded with diplomas.

The event brought together more than two hundred students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions in Russia and was held in Armavir. The main aim of the Interregional Platform was to promote the development of the system of motivation for the implementation of professional activity, the formation of an active vital position of young professionals.

Creative projects on a given topic “Personal plan is the forecast of my career” were based on the actual content of the career goals justification, original ideas for a future career building; unique offerings of activity planning that contribute to the implementation of professional development.

The organizer of students’ participation in the Contest was the department of Stavropol State Agrarian University for graduates’ employment promotion. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.01.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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