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SSAU post graduate students have successfully passed Distance training course at London University of St George.


SSAU post graduate students have successfully passed Distance training course at London University of St George.

The increasing popularity among young researchers Agrarian University gains remote form of additional education, including at universities in Europe. Yatsyk Olesya and Elena Telegin, post-graduate students of the second year of study of veterinary medicine faculties and technological management of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, have passed training at St. George's University of London (the Great Britain).

Remote course «The Genomics Era: the Future of Genetics in Medicine» was held for five weeks. It includes the basics of human genetics; gene, DNA, chromosomes and genes; description of the normal processes of cell division, transcription and translation in the cells; mechanisms of genetic variability; the mechanisms by which errors in the genetic code can lead to diseases. Young farmers, scientists also studied the influence of genetic disease on patients' lives; technology used to assess the human genome and the types of genetic variations that can be detected using different technological approaches; prospects for the development of personalized medicine, as well as the ethical and legal problems of genetic research in medicine. Upon completion of training, graduate students have received international certificates. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.01.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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