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Agrarians of Russia deserve to have high well-being!


Stavropol State Agrarian University has completed the implementation of the educational courses of improvement of financial literacy of the rural population of the region with the support of the Russian Finance Ministry.

Rector Vladimir SSAU Trukhachev:

"In the Stavropol Region the issues of improving rural financial literacy of the population are of particular relevance"

According to statistics, in 2016 the proportion of rural residents in the total population of Stavropol Territory was about 46%. As a leading economic sector, agro edge generates more than 17% of the gross regional product, accumulates 35% of the total investment and provides employment for 19% of the population. Exceeding the boundary values of the all-Russian indices indicates that the economy Stavropol Region as a whole, compared with the Russian Federation, is more pronounced agricultural character.

"But one of the barriers in the development of both Russian and regional agricultural sector is the lack of financial literacy of the population and the weak familiarity with the principles of the functioning of financial markets, - said the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Truhachev.- Without that in modern conditions the successful conduct of the agricultural business is impossible".

In connection with the special problems of HYIP team of teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University has developed a program of educational course on Financial Literacy, supported by the Ministry of Finance of Russia. This project is using distance learning technologies, designed for agricultural workers, farmers and private farms, headed by Academician VI Trukhachev, which is so laid out its position:

- Financially uninformed, but successful people - category, in my opinion, incompatible. In a world market economy certain financial education is necessary for all categories of citizens, including those living in rural areas.

It is no secret that most of our agribusiness workers not only face the problem of lack of knowledge of modern financial services, but also feel a great distrust of financial institutions in general. Someone have no budgeting skills. Someone can make an informed decision on the use of financial products and services ... As a result, people are increasingly faced with the risk of financial loss.

Therefore, our team found it necessary to prepare a project that enhances the effectiveness of the protection of consumers' rights. Its implementation will enable access of the villagers to the educational, information and consultancy services in the field of financial literacy will contribute to the formation of a reasonable financial behavior, responsible attitude to personal finance.

By the way, in many Russian regions are being very actively developed and successfully implemented programs to improve financial literacy of various social groups - pupils and students, pensioners and working age people. In some areas, such training courses are implemented, even for kindergarten children.

- Actually - said Rector V.I Trukhachev. - The market economy must learn from an early age. For financial culture should attach already the youngest citizens.

The co-ordinator of preparation and implementation of existing programs to improve financial literacy is the Ministry of Finance with the support of the World Bank. Their joint activities held within the framework of the project "Assistance to improve the financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation." From January 2016 to this important work and I joined the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The university became executor of the contract, under which teachers SSAU developed, tested and implemented had a training course on financial literacy for workers of the agricultural enterprises, farms and private farms of our region. Its peculiarity was that the training of the villagers of Stavropol was carried out not only in person, but also with the use of distance learning technology. The prepared course was designed for 10 days of training. Two of them it's classroom work with students, and eight - have self-study participants using distance learning technologies.

- Educational course included two modules - explains project leader V.I. Trukhachev. - The first was aimed at improving the financial literacy of students as a citizen of the Russian Federation. We invited them to explore the features of planning personal and family budgets; rules a reasonable purchase property benefits, including the use of credit resources; pension accumulation strategy based on the Prince of understanding of principals of pension system functioning. There were, of course, the subjects of fraud in financial issue. The second training course modules cover topics that form the professional knowledge at students already as members of agricultural production. On the agricultural market today cannot do without the knowledge of the basics of business planning and tax law, understanding the characteristics of the agricultural entrepreneurial thinking and the implementation of government programs support entrepreneur. In September 2016 was carried out testing of the training course improve the financial literacy of Stavropol farmers. Pilot training was held in Trunovsky region - ZAO "Sovkhoz them. Kirov ". The teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University unanimously noted the clear interest of the farm workers and individual entrepreneurs to obtain additional knowledge on financial literacy. - Analyzing the results at the end of training, we decided to make some changes - sums up Vladimir. - As a result, the educational program was adjusted. In particular, the course was shortened somewhat. He became less pseudoscientific, but more information available and dynamic, with plenty of examples, taking into account the characteristics of the agricultural production and way of life of rural residents. Teachers have prepared a colorful and illustrative presentation materials, making learning more vivid, emotionally nasyschennym.Za November - December 2016 the university organized and trained 356 employees of the agricultural sector of Stavropol. The participants are residents of the Alexander, Andropov, Blagodarnenskogo, Budennovsk, Georgievsky, Novoaleksandrovsk and Petrovsky municipal districts. The results of final testing, reviews themselves employees of agricultural enterprises, farms and private farms suggest that the problem - raising the level of financial literacy - successfully resolved. - Frankly, we are pleased that the plans failed to realize - with satisfaction – said V.I .Trukhachev - that the work of the Agrarian University professors went to the benefit of our fellow countrymen. Now the program and materials prepared by the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, can be used for training of the rural population in any region of the Russian Federation. After all, any landowner in Russia deserves to have a high well-being! 

Дата новости для фото:  20.01.2017 08:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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