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"The students are the most important people, our Agricultural University exists and lives for!"

"The students are the most important people, our Agricultural University exists and lives for!"

Congratulations with the Russian Students Day of the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Dear friends!
Please accept my warmest congratulations
on the Russian Students Day!

An unforgettable celebration of youth, enthusiasm, romance and hope are always bright on this day unites promising young people that builds bold life plans for their successful future and prosperity of the motherland!

Russian students of the XXI century are able to set the main objectives and priorities, to overcome the difficulties in the way of professional development and improvement of the individual, achieve new heights. You are into luck to learn the basics and the subtleties of the profession, studying in the best agricultural university in the country where you have the greatest opportunity. The educational level of international standards are functioning in the Stavropol State Agrarian University, excellent conditions are not only for successful study, but also for practicing science, art, sport.

We welcome your desire to be leaders always and everywhere, to be a role model, because you are our future, and each student's victory is a new contribution to the strengthening of the university position in the global world.

In this temple of science - the Stavropol State Agrarian University - in the first place has always been, is and will be the students, in which the soul is a fire of creativity, who fills irrepressible longing for search and discovery. You are remarkable, creative and talented! You are the main people for whom thousands of highly qualified teachers are working and sharing their unique knowledge, for you our beautiful Agricultural University lives for!

Learn at full strength with pleasure, grow up, learning the knowledge and wisdom of life, appreciate the strong friendship and true love! Be open to all new and interesting things, don’t be satisfied with what has already been achieved, feel free and go forward.

I wish you good health, inspiration, enthusiastic emotions, persistence and excellent marks in all subjects, wise mentors and true friends! Highly carry on the proud title of student and then the graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Remember, it’s only up to you to continue the glorious traditions of the alma mater and to build the future of our Motherland!

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,
Academician, Professor,
Duma deputy of the Stavropol Territory,
Hero of Labor of Stavropol,
Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory 
 V.I. Trukhachev 

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