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A unique collection presented by Sberbank


Day of Russian students for Agrarian University was marked not only by a series of celebrations but also festive meetings with strategic partners.

So, at the Accounting and Financial Department of SSAU students were welcomed by the head of the Stavropol branch of Sberbank number 5230 PAT Roman Vladimirovich Romanenko, the head of Marketing and Communications Helena Ivanovna Rybalko and the Human Resources Management Specialist Julia Dmitrievna Belyaeva.

According to the Dean’s head Helena Ivanovna Kostyukova and the head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova, during the years of long-term cooperation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and Stavropol branch of Sberbank number 5230 achieved significant results.

In 2013, the Agricultural University became a pilot area in the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District to implement the project "financial literacy workshops in schools and universities." Each year, as part of the All-Russian day of financier Sberbank employees conduct for students, farmers numerous master classes, public lectures, training sessions on a variety of themes: "The merger of the banking and insurance business in Russia", "The integration of new with the banking business technologies", "Integrated Development of Youth banking Sberbank", " Features of Sberbank integration with Russian banks in the world financial community "," Sberbank is the new bank: lintehnologies, crowdsourcing, Oliver Wyman, Wikinomics", "Economic security in lending ", etc. In turn, representatives of the bank increase its own qualifications at the Institute of additional professional education of the University, participating in the realization of additional educational programs "Management of personal finances" and "Fundamentals of banking."

Current 2016/17 academic year was no exception, and partnership successfully developed. In October 2016 the SSAU program "Financial literacy to students" was realized, in which took part 27 thousand events for audiences of students and faculty members. In addition, students are familiarized with the corporate culture and employment opportunities in offices of Sberbank in the Stavropol region and republics of the North Caucasus.

The big surprise on Tatiana's Day was the gift from sberbank to students of the Agrarian University it is a unique collection of books from the series "Library of Sberbank". It includes the latest business books from leading authors in the world on a variety of topics. These 70 very relevant and useful publications have already been submitted to the Scientific library of the university and educational-practical center "Mini-Bank". Among them there are 10 electronic access keys to the versions on the official website of Sberbank.

- We are pleased to share with you this unique collection - addressed to students of the Agrarian University, the head of the financial institution Roman Vladimirovich Romanenko. – It helps you to get acquainted with the international experience of running a successful business, innovations in various fields, leadership secrets, proper education of character and many others. This contributes to your self-development, the formation of a broader view of the world and its possibilities. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.01.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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