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There is "the reset" of agricultural education ahead. The Stavropol State Agrarian University has got a special rate!


January 30, 2017 the Stavropol State Agrarian University was visited by the director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Vitaly Voloschenko.

At the beginning of the visit the head of the department presented cutting-edge research in the field of Agricultural Economics, reflecting the current state of agribusiness in the region. In particular, the SWOT-analysis of indicators of agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Territory "Comparative assessment of the production rate and production efficiency of Agriculture of Stavropol Region" and the analysis of social and economic indicators in the region - "Presentation of the dynamic model of reproduction of the basic production assets of the Stavropol Region in terms of inflation", "Features of the status of rural areas of Stavropol Region on the basis of their monitoring ".

Visiting the innovative teaching and research laboratories "Mini-Bank", "Exchange", "Insurance Shop" the head of the Department noted the high level of material and technical basis for the preparation of experts of an economic profile of the agrarian sector.

After that V. Voloschenko visited the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the Stavropol State Agrarian University which has "FabLab Vector" Center for Youth Creativity in its composition along with the usual laboratories. The Centre is unrivaled in the Southern and North Caucasus Federal District on the degree of equipment and technology for the production of digital 3-D printing, laser 3-D scanning, CAM processing, laser and plasma cutting machines. In addition, it is important to note that the Centre initiated a request for its accreditation WorldSkills in standards of three competencies "Prototyping", "Reverse engineering», «CAD-modeling". Currently, employee of the center Denis Kalugin passes the certification procedure of the expert on standards WorldSkills and the student of SSAU Fedor Zavyalik won the national championship « WorldSkills «G45 Prototyping»».

V. Voloschenko also visited the territory of the faculty of veterinary medicine and technology management.

So, at the Department of Epidemiology and Microbiology he became acquainted with the conduct of the educational process, as well as material and technical equipment of the scientific laboratory of the department. One year ago it has been modernized and has a license to work with 3-4-th class of pathogens.

In addition, unique opportunities of the Regional Center for Veterinary Medicine were presented for V. Voloschenko. The center has the widest range of diagnostic, medical and scientific equipment. The center carried out research on the genetic and transgenic level. In 2014, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation by a consortium of leading universities and research institutes in the field of genetic engineering, grant "Development of biotechnological methods for genomic breeding to create new types of highly productive breeds and animals" was implemented. As the result the university has got an unparalleled in the world testing system to determine the genetic potential of the animals using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) which is now used at any veterinary clinic. This testing system allows the genetic potential of the animal and his future offspring with 100% accuracy without waiting for the result of several years in the management of breeding.

The Head of the Department advised the team of scientists to carry out further monitoring of the purity of the breed of sheep and goats, domestic selection at the genetic level. This approach will be the beginning of an important phase of the key for the Russian agricultural sector of the Russian Federation Presidential Decree number 350 of 07.21.2016 "About measures for implementation of the state scientific-technical policy in the interest of the development of agriculture".

V. Voloschenko acquainted with the results of a research project supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation as a particularly significant for the Russian agro-industrial complex in 2015-2016 towards ensuring import substitution in the livestock (the genetic material) on the theme: "Developing a regional model for the formation and management of highly productive animal genetic resources (an example of Stavropol Territory)". For the realization of this project were involved the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory, agricultural holdings and breeding farms for the production of milk. Developed by scientists of SSAU effective genetic resource management system of animals at the regional level will actually increase the production of high quality milk in the region and in Russia.

During the visit V. Voloschenko acquainted with the work for the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the laboratories: meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, confectionery products. The head of department also visited the greenhouses and the greenhouse complex of the university where were presented the results of comparative tests of cucumbers of domestic varieties.

The director of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia V. Voloschenko made the inspection of the property complex of the university and as a result it was concluded that all of the property complex of the university is used efficient way and for the intended purpose. However, creation of more comfortable environment for student learning requires the speedy completion of the educational and laboratory building of faculties of Agronomy and Plant Protection (Block "B" and "V") on Lenina-Street, 310. Its construction began more than 10 years ago, and completion is impossible without federal budget. It is also necessary for capital repair of other social facilities of university infrastructure.

In the end of the visit, V. Voloschenko met the Rectors of the university, the Deans of faculties and the Heads of departments. The meeting was attended by the first Deputy of the Government of Stavropol Region Nikolai T. Velikdan, the Director of the Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding Marina Selionova and the Director of the Research Institute of Agriculture of Stavropol Valery Kulintsev. During the meeting the sides discussed topical issues of practical implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 350 from 21.07.2016 "About measures for implementation of the state scientific-technical policy in the interest of the development of agriculture", in particular the issues of the original production and the domestic elite seed breeding, deep processing of agricultural products. V. Voloschenko emphasized the importance of establishing a scientific and technological chains of providing not only the development but also the practical application of innovative technologies in the import-substituting of Russian AIC in close connection with agribusiness, research institutes and universities. The ean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources reported on the use of educational and experimental farm which is the basis for practical training, the creation of scientific research (eight fixed multi-year, multi-factorial experiments and more than 20 short-term), which carried out testing and implementation of research results in production.

Today educational and experimental farm of the University includes 9422 hectares of agricultural land, 167 units of machinery and equipment, including 10 combines and 21 tractors, as well as the base of practical training of students, masters, postgraduate students and academic staff. Each year more than 2000 students of different specialties and areas of full-time and part-time forms of education hold educational and industrial practice here. V. Voloschenko noted the high professionalism of the teaching staff of the University in the field of organization of educational process, allowing the university to keep high quality of education. The Head of Department also noted the high level of educational process and scientific research in the Stavropol State Agrarian University. In turn, the Rector of the University the Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev thanked the Director of the Department of scientific and technological policy and formation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Vitaly Voloschenko for a comprehensive assessment of university activities and expressed confidence in the feasibility of all assigned to the formation of agricultural tasks. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.01.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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