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Broker's Day is a professional holiday of the financial community


Holiday professionals working in the securities market noted in the accounting and finance department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

It is believed that for Russia financial broker is a new profession because trade exchanges have appeared only in the early 90-ies years of the last century. However, this view is only partly true. For the modern Russian history broker is a really new profession.

The first stock exchange in the country appeared in the early XVIII century. Today brokers have become an integral part of the Russian financial system and ensure the functioning of stock exchanges. Financial directors, senior managers when dealing with exchange commodities actively use their services. Therefore, the Day of Broker became a professional holiday of the financial community, and the Russian club finance directors has been actively involved in its celebration. Teachers of the department «Finance, credit and insurance», «Accounting and Finance Department» of SSAU also organized a series of events dedicated to this holiday.

Together with the director of the office of the Stavropol financial group BKS Stanislav Grigoriev was conducted problem lecture "Brokerage activities in the securities market" for students of 1, 3 and 4 courses «Accounting and Finance Department» (profile of «Finance and Credit»).

Head of the department «Finance, credit and insurance» Glotovф Irina explained why the Иroker's Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on 31 January. The date is chosen to celebrate the professional community of brokers because the company fed the financial results of the year. Thus brokers are able to evaluate their achievements and celebrate success.

Stanislav Grigoriev emphasized the fact that the brokerage commission regards civil transactions with securities on behalf of and at the expense of the customer or on its behalf and for the account of the client on the basis of compensation agreements with them. It turns out brokerage activities in the securities market can be combined with other professional activities (dealer, securities management and custody), but cannot be combined with other activities on markets other than the securities market. Also, the director of the office of the Stavropol financial group BKS acquainted students with the structure of financial groups and the main activities of the company. He spoke about the principles of a sound customer portfolio too.

At the end of the event children received answers to all their questions, including: What are the employment opportunities in the BKS Financial Group; how to become a customer of the company; how to determine the client's financial goal; that represents a balanced client portfolio; how to get an internship at BCS Financial Group?

On the same day based on the FDA «Exchange» with the support of the financial company of «Finam» it was organized speculation, during which the 4th year students (profile of «Finance and Credit») were able to feel the real investors.

Within an hour, the guys performed transactions on the futures market of the Moscow Stock Exchange, competing in the trade skill. Students are able to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in lectures and practical classes on disciplines «Exchange business» and «Internet trading». At the end of the competition results and identified three winners were announced, showing the highest rate of return over the period. Olympus prize was distributed as follows: the game has become a leader Artem Babadjanov, runners Dedkova Daria and Simonenko Alexander. Strategic partner of SSAU honored the top students of beautifeul gifts with branded symbols of the brokerage company «Finam» and money prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.02.2017
Номер новости для фото:  11

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