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Agricultural science tomorrow


The scientific development of young scientists, their familiarity with the new practice-oriented research in various fields of science and practice are the main challenges which are posed by its organizers for the participants of the annual conference "Agricultural science, creativity, growth".

On the 2nd of February the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in collaboration with the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and of Environment and Landscape Architecture made plenary session of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference "Agricultural science, creativity, growth".

With greeting words to the participants of the conference appeared Vice President for Academic and Educational Work of SSAU Ivan V. Atanov, Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor Alexandr N. Esaulkov, Dean of Accounting and Finance Department, Professor Elena I. Kostyukova and Director of the company "Vina Praskovei 2 "Janna Y. Darienko.

The event of international degree were visited by PhD of Economics, Specialist of the Treasury of the company "Danone" Elena S. Burykh and Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Regional Representative of Marketing of the company «DuPont» Anatoly S. Voloschenko.

Keynotes at the conference were presented by young scientists of SSAU. Thus, Assistant of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance Alexander A. Smagin made a presentation «Hedging in the agricultural sector». Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting management Alexey N. Bobryshev presented the report «Management accounting in the conditions of crisis processes in the economy». Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection Lyudmila A. Mikhno paid attention to the peculiarities of the phytosanitary situation in pea crops in Stavropol Region. Graduate student Maxim V. Tenischev announced the chosen topic «Autumn application of modern herbicides and their effect on the yield of winter wheat at various technologies of cultivation on leached black soil».

Further work of the conference continued in the breakout sessions. In the center of the conversation participants of the section of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance were actual questions of theory and practice of financial, tax and management accounting, IFRS implementation prospects in Russia; problems and ways of improvement of audit activity and internal control in the organization; innovative potential and prospects of development of regional economy sectors; theory and practice of finance and banking; financial conditions: measurement, analysis, forecasting, decision-making.

The debate on the sections of the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture touched topical issues of plant protection; aspects of the use of fertilizers and PAC; the monitoring of soil and soil fertility improvement practices. Researchers have paid attention to the current state of breeding and seed production of various crops, the problems of environmental management and environmental protection. They also discussed prospects for the development of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking; systems of cadaster and monitoring of lands; introduction of modern technologies of production and processing of crop production; innovative technologies in landscape architecture.

The conference aroused great interest among leading experts and scholars of Russian and foreign universities. There are representatives of the Slovak University of Agriculture (Nitra), the University of Belgrade (Serbia), the Grodno State Agricultural University (Republic of Belarus), Kyzylordinskiy State University of Korkyt Ata (Kazakhstan) among them and 12 Russian universities, including the University of Finance under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow). According to the materials of the conference will be published and placed in the base of RISC collection of scientific papers. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.02.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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