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Congratulations by the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev on the Day of Russian Science


Dear colleagues - renowned scientists, doctors and candidates of sciences, budding PhD students and those who are just starting their research path!

I congratulate you on the Day of Russian Science!

I am extremely glad that you constantly improve your knowledge and conduct tireless scientific research in favor of progress. In the nearest future agricultural science should reach the desired level and become powerful resource for the development of the real sector of the Russian economy. It is your scientific potential, which so needs the country, will help us to realize the ambitious plans of domestic farmers to ensure food security of the country.

We are proud that the scientific achievements of our university scientists known in the region, Russia and abroad. Not without reason recent years the Ministry of Agriculture have been maintaining innovative projects particularly significant for the agro-industrial complex of the country implemented by the scientific team of Stavropol State Agrarian University. It’s pleasant that new strength made part of scientific university community - in 2016 25 candidates and one doctor of sciences joined the university.

Summarizing the results of participation in 556 national and international conferences in more than 100 exhibitions and salons, we have got 298 awards for 174 scientific developments, including 48 gold, silver and bronze medals. It received 108 patents for useful inventions and models, certificates of registration of software applications.

Seven innovative developments of young scientists of SSAU on topical areas of "New devices and software complexes" and "Biotechnology" were supported in 2016 by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology under the program "START"; two developments were awarded the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation.

Federal "UMNIK" became 8 students of SSAU - winners of the All-Russian competition of innovations Assistance Fund. 573 students received awards in contests and competitions at international, national and regional levels. Among them7 young researchers of our university - winners of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. 63 awards won students in academic competitions of the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers of the Russian Federation.

Our university has one of the highest citation rates in the country in RCSI, including Hirsch index - 102, the number of citations - 179087, the number of articles - 28080, written by 435 researchers of our university. It indicates the significance of the scientific potential of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and its relevance. The achievement of significant scientific results is possible by virtue of powerful material and technical base of the university, a unique equipment of our laboratories, centers and small businesses.

But time sets new tasks and imposes great hopes and responsibility on our scientists. We still have a lot to do- develop, discover, improve, test, raise to a new level, working closely with Russian research institutions, agribusiness and manufacture, using best international practice and increasing academic mobility. I am convinced that in this unity of theorists and practitioners, experts in their fields, fruitful collaboration of the best minds domestic agricultural science is able to provide effective support for agricultural production, making it efficient and profitable.

I wish you great ideas, inspiration, inexhaustible creative energy, professional growth, talented students, associates and followers!

Let our Agricultural University will always be the territory of the stunning discoveries, a huge laboratory where research work is in full swing and tireless scientific research is conducted, where scientific potential grows and agrarian science is advanced in the name of prosperity of the Stavropol Territory and the whole of Russia!

Rector of Stavropol State

Agricultural University,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Honored Scientist of the RF,



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