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Know roots for future aspirations


In the Research Library of Stavropol Agrarian University students and scientists study a new folio of navigator in poultry industry in our country. In the Focus - "History of the Russian poultry industry. Volume II», academician V.I. Fisinin.

- The publication of the second volume of the expected scientific publication of Academician, Vladimir Ivanovich Fisinin was a real gift to all agrarians - scientists, teachers, graduate students, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, - said the rector of SSAU, Academician, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. - Two years ago, the first volume of the "History of the Russian poultry" was published - from its origins up to the October Revolution, which has already been called the anthem of the industry, which is rapidly growing now. In the fund of scientific library of SSAU no less valuable sequel appeared - available for students, exciting, despite its scientific character, with the nuances of multi-faceted era. In the basis of the new monograph a poultry luminary has taken the next period of formation and development of domestic industry - from October 1917 and the decrees of the Soviet power to organization of Ptitseprom in 1964.

- Academic approach of the author is felt in everything - emphasizes Nicholay Z. Zlydnev, doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor of SSAU S. - Academician V.I. Fisinin didn’t miss the first program of development of poultry farming, organization of poultry sovhozov, and cooperative partnerships. And, of course, he managed truly appreciate titanic contribution of Russian scientists-pioneers - geneticists, breeders and producers-veterans in the development of the industry.

- Vladimir Ivanovich Fisinin is true to his mission - to fascinate researchers and teachers, students, undergraduates, graduate students, practitioners by the history of domestic poultry to indicate future trends, - shares his impressions from the book Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor SSAU Elena Ed. Epimahova and she adds: - Detailed study of the first volume of the previous monograph by teachers of the Faculty of Technological Management was not in vain. In the curriculum for students studying 36.03.02 “Animal science” a new discipline was introduced - "Professional terminology in animal husbandry" and defined the vector for further research in the agrarian university. In 2016, a graduate student Dmitry Karyagin defended a dissertation work for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences on the topic "Development of ways to increase the thermotolerance of broiler chickens at outdoor growing conditions in the south of Russia."

With regard to Volume II of the monograph by V.I .Fisinin "History of the Russian poultry farming" it is not just a logical continuation of the first book. It is even greater in volume (1.6 times!) the most valuable information array for future specialists. The historical aspect of the book is perfectly supported by illustrative: tables, rare photographs from family archives.

- Fascinating insight into this nearly half a century of poultry history, as an integral part of the history of our country, based on V.I. Fisinin materials, is quite remarkable - expresses his opinion Vasily Andreyevich Moroz , Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Hero of Socialist Labor. - For us, Stavropol people, particularly important monograph materials relating to the formation of the poultry in the region. Still, the first incubator-poultry plant in Russia was organized in 1927 in the city of Pyatigorsk, and in the 1930s in the North Caucasus for about a quarter of the incubator base of the RSFSR was concentrated. And how many unique individuals were, they were not just dedicated to profession, they have made a significant contribution to the evolution of the industry. More than 1,800 well-known poultry farmers of our country!

"In the face of the past bow your heads in the face of the future roll up your sleeves" - the words of American essayist H.L .Mencken quoted in the end of the edition excellently explained the position of the Russian academician. He calls to be grateful to those who in times of incredible historical difficulties and irreplaceable losses made poultry a dynamic sector of Russian agriculture. And it is good that the potential readers of the book - today's students, tomorrow's agrarians - thanks to this educator, Academician V.I. Fisinin wil be able to understand how important it is to know about the origins of the creative industries for the correct perception of the Russian poultry industry today and its future aspirations.

Дата новости для фото:  08.02.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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