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And yogurt with stevia, and even "Blancmange"


The strategic partnership of JSC "Vinsadskoe" and Stavropol State Agrarian University brings results

CJSC "Vinsadskoe"- an enterprise which is a strategic partner of Stavropol State Agrarian Universityiswidely known not only in the region but also in Russia. It specializes in growing organic vegetables, cereals and animal products.

JSC "Vinsadskoe" has been producing dairy products more than 20 years; recently a modern vegetable storage has been built here. Leadership of the company plans to expand the base of processing agri product; it was the subject of discussion with the staff of SSAU. To do this, Deputy General Director Sergey Krivasheev paid a business visit to the Department of Technology of Pproduction and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Faculty of Technological Management.

The staff of the department has longstanding partnership with milk factory "Vinsadsky". Technology of yogurt with stevia developed by the scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian has firmly taken its place in the product range of the company. By the way, all resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters are supplied with this yogurt. And recently, the plant has mastered the production of new products - curd dessert "Blancmange", manufactured by the original recipe developed by graduate student of SSAU Alexander Reutov.

Дата новости для фото:  09.02.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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