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With care about youth health


A meeting of students and teachers of the Faculty of Economics with Head of outpatient department of the Stavropol Regional AIDS Center, infectious disease specialists of the highest category Oksana Kaitova was held at the dormitory number 4.

The urgency of the problem of HIV infection in our country is not in doubt. Experts estimate that the real number of people living with HIV may exceed official rates in 3-5 times. This suggests that today in Russia there are more than 1.5 million HIV-infected people.

HIV threatens the future of the country as risk gets younger, working-age population in the reproductive age. Widespread, accessible information about HIV infection, its development and manifestations of disease, prevention and treatment needs of young people, in order to minimize the risk of infection and spread of the disease; tolerant attitude towards HIV-positive people; continue to live and not be an outcast if infection for any reason occurred.

Forming students' complex of knowledge about HIV infection, participation in preventive measures for the prevention of drug addiction helps educate young people a sense of responsibility for the health of the individual, family, community.

Oksana Kaitova talked about ways to prevent HIV infection among young people, causes and consequences of human infection with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, methods of treatment and the fight against dangerous virus.

In turn, the students, the topic aroused great interest, specialist large number of issues, but that have been received qualified answers were given.

Дата новости для фото:  21.02.2017 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  2

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