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There is a feast of pancakes, breath of spring, and the endless light of young smiles and joy of students’ fervour!


All who have been on Pancake Week at the Agrarian University know that celebration wires winter at the University is held with Russian breadth.

There were mountains of pancakes and rivers of condensed milk, a huge Matryoshka and a cheerful paunchy samovar. Live to dance "Gzhel cup" here and there scurrying peddlers fun, dance and sing to the guitar not only Roma but also entertainers , who are the characters of Russian folk tales, and even bears and even a horse. And the eye is not immediately survey the student holidays monastery. It is beauty and a big yummy.

On the day start of merriment here everyone felt what are now Russian expanse, Russian boldness and breadth of the Russian soul. No wonder the students’ Maslenitsa at the Agrarian University is called as the most atmospheric festival. Enjoy people! Maslenitsa is coming!

With native Russian long-awaited spring holiday congratulated the young student's Vice Rector for Academic and educational work Ivan Atanov together with the Deans of the Faculties he began bypassing farmsteads.

The jury was surprised! For example, there was gingerbread, which was made by students of the Faculty of Technology Management or Matryoshka made of tangerine, towering on the table the Faculty of Economics, where barkers were clever student - Two of the casket, the same face. Ethnic Council, in addition to traditional pancakes, offers a taste of barbecue and khachapuri. A colorful stuffed Pancake made by craftsmen of the Faculty of Electric Power, and more are highlighted with colored lights.

For the first time foreign students participated in the Agrarian Maslenitsa. Everything was new for residents of Arabic countries. But they do not let us down and surprise us by performance of Russian folk songs and more oriental delicacy, delicious sorbet.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Future financiers at University square all settled gypsies! There was also a huge cart- installation of festive dishes from the monastery and the beauty gypsy-headed godfather Ruben, who played fiery creative room.

All Departments of the Stavropol State Agrarian University prepared in advance to meet the spring scale and compete with each other in sporting battles and unusual competitions.

As a result, "The strongest team," ofwide Maslenitsa festivities of Agrarian University has been recognized as a team of boys of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. It has become the undisputed leader in the tug of war!

"The parade of peddlers" subjugates the jury by variety of types and range trading "uniforms" - from a velvet shirt to sheepskins, from gypsy girl in national costume to this horseman in the cloak. But the laurels of the championship in the ranking of people gave to a peddler inimitable Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism of foreign origin with a kind smile on his face.

The best pancake art object produced students of faculties Agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture. They became the absolute record for baking: their stack of pancakes was the biggest; it is two meters twenty centimeters!

The most creative dish of pancakes came up on the Faculties of Veterinary medicine and Technological management. Best Pancake stuffed made by future electricians. Faculty of Economics performed the best creative room. Accounting and Finance Department showed the best farmstead. The Faculty of Mechanization of agriculture has won the Grand Prix of Maslenitsa festivities Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.02.2017
Номер новости для фото:  6

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