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Agricultural science is getting younger


In the Duma of Stavropol Territory on February 21, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the All-Russian and regional Youth Research and Innovation Competition "UMNIK - 2016" among which 9 young researchers of Agrarian University.

Great interest among the representatives of the deputies, ministries, departments and management of Stavropol universities caused exhibition of projects of the contest winners. The young scientists introduced the guests with it before the official part. Note that these talented young people from 2007 to 2015, there are already 395 people in the region.

Then the celebration in honor of the "UMNIK" opened by the Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Gennady Yagubov: "In this hall gathered the most talented, young people seek. I know that there are even novice researchers, who dream to save humanity. There is a great potential in your projects.”

The awards ceremony was also attended by the team leader of the program "UMNIK" Federal Innovation Promotion Fund, the curator of the North Caucasus Federal District, Anton Sorokin; Head of Mission of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology in the Stavropol region, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Lyudmila Kuzyakova; Chairman of the Social and Youth Policy Committee of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, education, science, culture and the media Valentina Muravieva.

With warm words to the "UMNIK" and asked the first deputy chairman of the government Ivan Kovalev. He admitted that with great pleasure to participate in the ceremony. The managers by virtue of their employment can not think as creatively as a youth. But the desire to support the innovative ideas they have much.

The authors of the best scientific research got another chance to speak out about their innovative ideas. Among them, there are 8 federal and 1 regional of "UMNIK" representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Thus, post-graduate student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Olesya Yatsyk presented authoring test systems for the evaluation of meat efficiency of sheep by allelic variants of the myostatin gene by PCR (direction «Biotechnology»). Alena Ozheredova, Assistant Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources, is not the first year improving vitro technology for the production of seed of Russian potato breeding recognized varieties of the Stavropol Territory. Realization of research aimed at rapid identification of root rot-resistant forms of winter wheat using culture methods calluses and cells involved in post-graduate student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Lyudmila Mikhno.

The student of Faculty of Economics Roman Masalov (direction of "Information Technology") introduced the participants to study the possibility of using their own micro aircraft to monitor the functioning of the dynamics of bee colonies, as a senior lecturer of the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources Helen Salenko with the development GIS information environment in the field of agricultural chemistry. It will be a great help for innovative precision agriculture technology will help to improve the agro-chemical and agro-physical indicators of soil fertility and productivity of agricultural crops on the territory of our region.

Development of an automated information system and the introduction of innovations to promote business ideas Russian agribusiness is the subject of scientific inquiry Marina Berezhnaya. Master student of the Electric power Faculty Sultan Bayramaliev interested in software and hardware to determine the thermal resistance of power semiconductor devices.

Junior Research Fellow of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Daria Margasyuk is developing technology for the control of blood for automatic hematology analyzers (direction "Medicine of the Future"). A student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Jaroslav Patuc wants to improve the wear resistance of working surfaces of machine parts modification of the surface layer (direction "Modern materials and technologies of creation").

Carried away by their own innovative ideas, scientific youth of SSAU adequately presented them to the court of competent jury. And in the end of the meeting, as well as other winners of federal and regional "UMNIK", promising researchers, farmers get a coveted statuettes and medals, as well as special prizes from the heads of regional ministries.

On behalf of the scientific community of the Stavropol State Agrarian University congratulate our winners. And everyone who has not tried themselves at "UMNIK" competition we wish of the most unreal at first sight of innovative ideas.

Дата новости для фото:  22.02.2017 08:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  4

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