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February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day


Dear Colleagues!


I warmly congratulate the whole team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!

This wonderful holiday has a rich and proud history. Therefore, it symbolizes the relationship of many generations of selfless, courageous and brave patriots of the Great Russian - from the gray haired veterans, who gave no quarter himself on the battlefields of the legendary World War II to the representatives of the current generation of Russian military that protect the peaceful labor of the citizens.

Among those soldiers, who with honor and dignity protection of the Motherland performs high mission. It is to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and many of our graduates. You should know that we are proud of you and wish strength of spirit, faith, endurance, successful life and light of hope!

We should be grateful to those who with their feats of arms and strained labor at various stages of Russian history strengthen and today continue to enhance the strength and power of our state being its reliable bulwark.

I want to congratulate all the true patriots who in different sectors of the economy build up the well-being of present Russia and think about it a stable future. Our sacred duty is to preserve peace, to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism and everyone to contribute to the strengthening of the power of our country.

I sincerely wish you good health, a clear peace sky, happiness, professional achievements, happiness and success in achieving its objectives for the benefit of the beloved Motherland! Let this holiday will always be peaceful and joyful!

Rector of Stavropol State

Agrarian University,
academic of Russian Academy of Sciences,

Duma deputy of the Stavropol Territory
Hero of labor of the Stavropol Territory,
Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory

V.I. Trukhachev

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