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Mastered one more technology


Students of Technological Management Faculty headed by Shlykov S.N., Associate Professor and Omarov R. S., senior lecturer acquired new professional competences related to sausage industry.

It’s not the first time when implementation of additional educational program "Sausage processing" takes place at the premises of university production and technological meat processing laboratory.

This program was developed at the Department of Production and Processing Technology of Agricultural Products, headed by Sychev O.V., Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Additional program is rated at extension of basic knowledge and skills that students receive within principal educational program in the field of study "Production and Processing Technology of Agricultural Products”.

After completion of course the students were satisfied with the results of own work, noticed its significant benefit for training of real professionals, processors of agricultural products.

Besides Graduate Diploma the students will receive the certificate of advanced training of referenced program at the end of completion of course.

Thus, in response to the implementation of additional educational programs, students of Stavropol State Agrarian University master not only principal educational program of selected profile, but also upgrade their skills.

Дата новости для фото:  27.02.2017 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  3

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