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Welcome Day in OOO AF "Audit-Consulting" for the students of Agrarian University


For internships and career prospects, the graduates of Accounting and Finance Department visited the company that is a strategic partner of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In order to establish conditions for successful professionalization and effective use of graduates’ potential, as well as the organization of systematic work of their career development and employment in compliance with their qualifications, the specialists of Management Accounting department: Kostyukova Helena Ivanovna, Tatarinova Maria Nikolaevna and Manzhosova Inna Borisovna organized Welcome Day in OOO AF “Audit-Consulting”. For this one, fourth-year students of 38.03.01 "Economics" area of specialization (profile "Accounting, Auditing and Analysis") were the guests.

OOO AF "Audit-Consulting" conducts its history since 2002 and was a pioneer of establishment and development of audit and appraisal markets. It’s 13 years of excellent job, substantial experience in the field of general audit and appraisal in the Russian Federation. More than 10 subsidiaries of OOO AF "Audit-Consulting” are throughout the country (in Moscow, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Cherkessk and other cities.

In the framework of the event, the general director of the company, Denisova Svetlana Aleksandrovna (Moscow) told the graduates about interning conditions and further employment. The students were interested in wage, working hours, annual paid leave, required documents for applying for a job, wage supplements, opportunities of promotion etc. Then students filled in questionnaire, and were invited by Svetlana Aleksandrovna for further interning. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.02.2017 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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