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Agrarian manufacture needs highly qualified economists


On the base of LLC "Agroholding "Energomer", a strategic partner of Stavropol State Agrarian University, was held practice-oriented lecture for students of Faculty of Economic.

The higher the specialty qualification of the economist - the more its competitiveness on the employment market, where the employer chooses the best specialist. The lecturers of Business and the global economy department organized meeting for 4th-year students 38.03.01 "Economics" (Profile "Economics of enterprises and organizations") of SSAU 2017 with potential employers.

According to Sergey Vladimirovich Chebanenko, General Director of "Agroholding" Energomer ", the agrarian sector needs high-skilled economists nowadays. They should be specialists in planning, labor rating and expense, economy of agricultural enterprises, as well as to be qualified in the field of IT-technology, modern quality management system and, if required, to be able to clear up complex business situation.

Chebanenko S.V. told students the history of development and performance results of Agroholding that is the largest and most effective agricultural organizations of Stavropol Region. The great interest was expressed in features and development of modern advanced agro manufacturing and its solution, particularly in the area of Economy and organization of business processes.

"Energomer" Concern in general, and, above all, Agroholding being a part of it, is one of Stavropol business, of which doors are always open for students of SSAU just as for practical training so for studies in farms.

After business detailed conversation, students are being with awareness of priority challenges facing Stavropol AIC, which they, as young professionals, will have to solve in the near future in modern, complex economic conditions.

Дата новости для фото:  02.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  6

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